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Mario Montesini

Mario Montesini (5 July 1914 - 22 November 1973) was an Italian-Brunanter mafia boss and the head of the criminal Montesini family.


Montesini was the son of the original <<boss>>, Marcello Montesini. On his father's death in 1922, he would succeed his father in name, but under the control of Giovanni Marchese, until he reached the age of 18 in 1932.

Mario led the family in the Chester War against the Conley Brothers Gang of Chester. In 1933, he had all four Conley brothers killed and hanged from trees. In October 1934, the police was able to arrest Mario on bribery charges, and he was sent to the notorious Carrington Prison for 30 years. He was released in 1964. His brother Amadeo succeeded him as the head of the family.

Mario died of lung complications in 1973, being a heavy smoker.
